Today my Father turns 72. That is a huge accomplishment. Especially for him. He has had a bit of bad luck, health issues and what not's, so, reaching 72 is huge!
Truly for anyone.
My father has been Blessed. He has lived an adventurous life. Was a dare devil growing up, never to turn down a double dog dare, giving his Mother a run and several scares. He was quite the ladies man, breaking hearts through his school years. He served our country with the United States Navy fresh out of high school, sailing across the world, and finding the love of his life while stationed in San Antonio. Settling in Indianapolis, he had his wife and two daughters, good job and good friends.
My parents were in a horrific motorcycle accident when I was a baby. This set them back, quite a bit. My father's head injury kept him in the hospital and rehab for several months. The fact that he survived was indeed a miracle. Now, he was faced with severe handicaps and frustrations, but he prevailed with the help & love of family & friends.
My Dad is what one might call, "a dirty old man". I have learned to live with it. His jokes, are, well, popular but gross. His humor is well, it's Pops. He is what he is! He use to love sitting in "his chair", listening to Richard Pryor 8-Track tapes. I hated the tapes, but loved hearing my Dad's laugh.
He is bored and frustrated today. His body is broken down. His spirit also often. But he prevails. He has his humor and he has his moments. He sits most the day on the computer or watching television. He also grabs a cart and walks the aisle at the local Wal-Mart weekly. My sister & brother-in-law recently got him interested in swimming, hoping to move his body more. My Mom, she still babies him. She has for 50 years, why stop now? They love each other and he is happy. Grumpy but happy.

Happy Birthday :-)
That is a beautiful post. How was the movie? Did Pops enjoy himself?xx
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