My cats are so spoiled. This is Mischa sitting on their "Cat House" watching a bird.
The "Cat House", obviously had a previous life as the girls Doll House. I just refused to part with it. Storing it was an issue and I thought why not let the cats have it? They always loved it, pushing Barbie's furniture out of the way, hiding out on the second floor, when it belonged in the girls play room.
The lower level is where I hid the liter box. They just go in the door, take care of business without the dogs bothering them. The second floor now contains kitty liter and scooper. The rooftop is the dining area for my two cats. They can finally not worry about the dogs eating their food. They also love to look out the window watching the birds.
This "Cat House" is in my laundry room. It is a lower level room and the cats are pretty much at ground level, feeling like they are hiding in the bush. Mischa always is found here when not looking out from the couch.
Rocky hides out under my bed until feeding time or potty time. He appreciates the storage containers on the side as he is 16 years old and doesn't do the jumps like Mischa can anymore.
I recently read in Vevay's Salad Sandwich Blog about favorite things. One of the things she mentioned was "fat cats snuggling", which prompted a comment about coming back as a comfy fat cat. Made me think about my cats, all the many cats I have had. Yeah, being one of my kitties would have been a pretty good life. I think they can't complain much.
I agree with coming back as a cat! A cat in a loving home where I would rule the roost as mine do!
We have a cat here as well, she is actually the boss as she is a bit scary ;-)
Dear Janis,
It was so lovely to have you visit my Count my Blessings blog.
Yep, it is an old hymn..we used to sing it in church years ago, but my fave memory is of my beautiful Mum getting around always singing it with her lovely voice. She prob still does and now I do too.
I haven't heard Dianna Krall's version, but it bet it's beautiful too. It's great reminder isn't it?
I'm so glad you popped by.
hugs Robyn xx
PS you made me smile :D
Love the cat house!! :-)
Our Winston cat is the sweetest, most loyal friend. We believe that he thinks he's a dog, in the way that he follows us around.
You are so clever!!!!It's a "Cat House". I miss having indoor cats. All my life we had indoor cats that I spoiled and they spoiled me. I just travel so much..No worries hubby.. Wouldn't mind the hubby part though if the right one comes along by taking the wrong exit.HA HA. I do have three stray outdoor cats that adopted me 9 years ago and that I feed on a regular basis. They are fun and at times it makes me still feel "needed". Blessings !!!!
What sophisticated puss cats you have with their own house.
I have a dog that is getting pampered every which way!
Thank you all. Yes, they are spoiled but I would not have it any other way. The love they give me is worth so much. I can not imagine not having my pets to perk me up!
I may have to pull a Steve Martin routine and make myself really small. Then I could live in the doll house.
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