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Friday, July 22, 2011

What is It?

This afternoon I watered my Zebra Grass and Ferns and noticed a couple of these spouting from the ground.  No leafage, just a stem with a flower bud.
I have two of them.

What are they?  Some kind of day lily? The timing is right, and the lack of leaves. But where did they come from?  I haven't planted them. They just started popping up.

Any thoughts?


Mark Pressley said...

ask Judy she will know

Reality Jayne said...

very mysterious....indeed

Scott said...

I suspect it is a wonder lily. Did you have foliage there earlier in the year which then went away? That is how they grow. First foliage appears then fades. Then later, once you've forgotten all about it, a bloom will suddenly appear. Thus the name.

Vanna said...

hmm idk but they look like they will be very pretty. when they bloom take a picture.

KPaine said...

I think it is a wonder lily.

Unknown said...

It is a Lycoris bulb, some call it Naked Lady, Resurrection Lily, or Surprise Lily. The bulb could have been there for years they do not bloom until they get about the size of a daffodil bulb. You should have had foliage in the spring that looked like Daylily foliage. The foliage dies down and "Surprise" the flower stalk comes up and blooms in July or August it will probably be a pink color. I have several and I always forget till the start blooming. Enjoy it should produce more bulbs over the years.

Unknown said...

You can purchase the bulbs at a greenhouse in the fall when you purchase tulips,daffodils and other bulbs.

janis said...

thank you all so much! YES! there was a lot of foliage a couple months ago & I was so disappointed that nothing bloomed! In fact it all just died not that long ago. I had forgotten about that.
I will snap a photo as soon as it blooms. Thank you my green thumbed friends♥

Linda said...

We call them Magic Lilies. I had them appear around this time back when we were renting a house many years ago and they were wonderful - their scent was gorgeous.

bj said...

Beats me, girl. Looks like a lily, tho. Bet they will be pretty when they open. Hope you will show us.:)

Thanks so much for leaving such a sweet comment. I remember about the same thing..cigar smoke always made me throw up, too.
Thanks also for liking my background and the grandgirls picture. They were in Mexico, watching their older brother get married on the the post coming up soon on it all. :))