My Father's Birthday is this Saturday. He will be 74.
In his honor I dedicate this Quondam Tuesday to him.
Thomas Allen Meyer
school picture...around 1948? |
around 1954 |
I love this shot of Dad. He loved automobiles. If I asked him about this photo, he'd be able to tell what year it was taken and something about the car too.
Senior yearbook photo 1956 |
This photo is tattered as many of my photos seem to be. This was taken his senior year, although he left before graduating to join the Navy. {
He still graduated, but back then they encouraged young men to join as soon as they were 18, which he did.}
Dad's the skinny boy on the right 1956 |
Here is our Sailor! His job in the Navy was work on the planes out on the Naval carriers.
1956 Hong Kong with Buddies. Dad is 2nd from right |
Another photograph that I love! I am glad he has some photos from the service. He is so young.
Mom & Dad's Wedding ~ August 8th, 1959 |
Very cool Tux. I love that it is black & white instead of all one color. Look how young they are! Babies getting married. Mom is 18 and Dad is 22.
1st married Christmas.. 1959? |
I wish these photographs were marked. I am guessing here at the dates. I know this was after they married (Dad's wearing a wedding band) and prior to the accident.
Dad, Julie, & Baby Janis 1962 |
Looks like we are meeting...
Janis, Dad, & Julie 1965 |
Here we are with our Dad.
Grandpa Texas & Dad 1970 |
At our house on Audubon Road. Dad loved his bar in the basement.
Mom & Dad 1973 |
Nice mustache Dad...very 70's
Dancing with Dad 1987 |
Here is Dad & I dancing at my sister in laws wedding. It was the last time we danced.
Julie, Dad, & I 2010 |
Okay this last one is not that old. But I thought it was a good one to end Quondam Tuesday with.
I love you Dad♥
Again you hit my soft spots- family and old photos. Thanks for sharing. Nice looking man.
Those are wonderfull. I wish I had pictures of family. I have no idea where they are... looks like a weekend project to me
Well done a nice little piece of history here to be passed down.
I love all of the pictures! I enjoy looking at old pictures of my mom and dad. I especially love the one of you, your dad, Julie, and the wedding picture. Those just made my heart melt.
The aircraft in the photo looks like an F9F PANTHER, the first operational Navy jet fighter, and the workhorse of the Korean War. If you ever catch the old classic William Holden/Grace Kelly movie, 'Bridges at Toko-Ri' that's the aircraft flown there. Neil Armstrong and John Glenn flew the PANTHER during the war, as did USMC reservist and occasion baseball player Ted Williams during Korea. What ship/squadron did you father serve in?
Wonderful!! Love all of the photos. Your parents married much younger than mine, lol - mine were 37 and 32 and my Dad is 86 this year. Didn't everyone have a bar in their basement family room? :) I know we did and it's still there at the old house in Orland Park, where in the suburbs of Chicago, lots of people still have bars in their houses. It's just a common hangout spot. Love it.
I look forward to your Quondam Tuesdays. You have the best old photos and stories.
Love, Linda
Thank you all. He's a good guy. His health is failing and it's rough getting around now. I will see him Saturday and share all your wonderful comments. Paul~ he will love what you said in our FB message. Thank you.
Please tell him that, if we in the service today have the benefit of seeing a long way, it is because we stand on the shoulders of giants who served before us. If you find it appropriate, I'd really like you to ask what ships/squadrons he served with--I might be able to provide a connection to current-day folks, which he might get a kick out of. It would a small way for this member of the current generation to say 'thanks.'
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