We recently went to this charming couple's wedding. I have known the bride Brittany her whole life and I am so happy she found Grant. I have never been to a more beautiful wedding. They were focused on God's love and kept that the main focus of their vows.
The wedding was simple and elegant. The reception was also. Everything was very beautiful and felt right. Brittany & Grant were surrounded by family and friends and everyone was so happy.
They have a wonderful opportunity to have long and happy marriage. I pray that my daughters will one day find this same kind of love. Brittany has always been such a strong role model for my daughters. We will always love her dearly. Now, we will love her handsome husband, Grant as well.
Today I got this Thank You in the mail. I was so impressed. It was very personal. Brit handmade them and I love that she included the photo. Emily Post would be very pleased! Brittany's Momma taught her well.
Did you get my email about the cup cozies? I have them finished. Email me!
I don't know them but I wish them well.
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