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Friday, March 25, 2011


Hubby got home early from business trip in Detroit last night. While happy to see him, I now have to be careful with his Surprise Guys Night Birthday Party I am planning for tomorrow night.
Today this handsome Hubby of mine turns 53. 53! He is a wonderful Man, Husband, and Father. I am Blessed. We have been together for 26 years, married for 24.

Hubby is the kind of man that everyone knows and respects. He holds a job of high honor and many depend on him. Everywhere we go, it seems someone knows him. Many call him friend and know they can rely on him.  He is the go to man, always ready to lend a hand, or opinion when asked.

His job causes him to travel. Usually close to home, with overnight trips to Detroit Michigan more than other locations. Most of the time, I know a week prior to a trip that will take more than one day.

This morning, as he was rushing out the door, he informed me he has a trip to Louisville tomorrow. That rather than doing an overnight, he will leave early tomorrow, and be home late, around 10pm....


I have his closest buddies arriving at the house tomorrow at 7:00pm! But I can't tell him. It's a surprise.

I managed to convince him to make the meeting short and do his best to get home by 6pm for his Dinner Date with Emily... Cutting it close.
I feel bad too because I know the drive there & back will tire him out let alone the intense negotiation he will be involved in there.

I know, I know, JUST BREATHE JANIS! It will all be lovely and wonderful.

Hubby isn't one to be the center of attention nor likes surprises. However, this should please him.  Too often we have gotten together for sad occasions rather than happy with friends. I feel we all, particularly the Hubby, needs to make for more happy moments and memories.

His buddies seem ready and excited too. A few haven't seen him in a few years, so this should be GREAT!


Bridgette said...

Happy Birthday Hubby! :) Just breathe Janis, it will all work out. Love ya!

Rosaria Williams said...

Oh, I do hope things work out for this party. You're such a sweet wife, to get this going with all the possibilities lurking around the corner.

Happy Birthday to a swell guy.

Linda said...

I pray everything works out, Janis. :) It's very sweet of you to do this. My husband doesn't even have "buddies", other than me :)

Tina said...

How exciting! I love surprise birthday parties...just not for me. I hate being center of attention!
This is a birthday you'll talk about for it 'almost' didn't work out. Sure praying that it does!

janis said...

Hubby went ahead and canceled the Louisville meeting as one of the ones he is dealing with local is needing his TLC... He left them early this evening & will regroup in the morning.
All is good & he is on target for "date" w/ daughter tomorrow night :)