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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Puppy Spa Day

Dakota got his first Professional Grooming!  I know, I know! He is three and should have before now. BUT.. he is a Puppy Mill Rescue and very sensitive, skittish, and I needed to find the "right place". It just took me longer than I thought it would.

I have been grooming him at home... Learning as we go. He gets baths nearly every week as I understood Pomeranian's need this kind of care.

He doesn't mind, in fact, by now seems to enjoy it. (Okay, maybe he doesn't look like it in this photo).

I stumbled upon "Clippety Do Dawg" last week. Even though it has been around for a long time, I never noticed it. It's a tiny house converted into business next door to our Post Office. Who Knew?  All this time I have been looking online and a sweet old fashion, dog loving Gals were right under my nose!
Becky was very understanding and considerate to my concerns. She booked us as a first appointment of the day so Dakota would not have to hang out in a crate. She gave me all the information I needed and was priced fairly. 
This morning, my little guy got dropped off (okay...just like when my girls got dropped off at preschool, I waited in the parking lot.. in case they needed me). An hour later, I get a call from Becky telling he will be ready in about 10 minutes if I want to head back (so I waited in the car for ten more minutes).

My Little Guy is so Handsome! They even put a cute little Monkey scarf on him! He was very well behaved. No nipping or even barking. They feel in love with him.
Who wouldn't?

1 comment:

Vanna said...

How adorable is he!!! I just love love love doggies!

I dropped my little man (Corgi) off at a boarding place today since I will be out of town and it is his first time ever to be kenneled and away from me for longer than a day! Im so sad for my baby. I know he will have a field day though. He just looooves people....every shape color and background!