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Friday, March 27, 2009

Missing the Road

I miss the open road.

Sergio sold his last Harley a couple of years ago. We miss it. If I miss it, I am sure Sergio does more. He sacrificed it to get Annie's truck. {Such a good Dad}.

This picture was taken on a charity ride a couple of years back. Probably one of the last times I rode. Sergio is in the bandanna and I am hanging on behind. (and yes, I am aware that we should be wearing helmets, please don't go there with me).

The first Harley Davidson he got was many years ago. Surprisingly, it was me that encouraged him to spurge on it.

He has had one of the most stressful jobs you can imagine. He is always working, always on the phone or computer when home, and it has been this way always. The bike, was the best thirty minute break he could get.

When he finally got it. Magic would appear. After incredible stress building work situations, he could get on this magic carpet ~ and transform into bliss. It would calm him. He couldn't talk on the phone. He could just drive and breathe. It would be like night and day when he left, then returned. Sometimes I would just say, you need to go for a ride. And magically he would and become the husband I loved instead of the "Negotiator".

I didn't ride often, but loved the rides we took. Especially the charily rides that lasted all day. Dressing in the leather, wearing my cool chaps. It was so fun. We also had some fun over night trips with cherished memories.

Lately with the change of weather, I hear the purr of the Harley. I see the people out and feel the envy.

We have so much stress right now, that bike could be a life saver. Especially for Sergio.

Hang in there, Babe. We will get another in due time. Just hang in there!

1 comment:

Linda said...

Hopefully you'll get to do what you enjoy again sometime soon.

I'm just too scared to do this. Two of my cousins, a young couple, parents to a bunch of young children, died in a crash a couple of years ago - hit from behind by a friend driving a truck. I think that's what worries me the most about this activity - is not so much that the bike rider is not careful, but it's the actions of others around us.

When we were in South Dakota though, in the Black Hills, there were a lot of Executive Professionals there on their Harleys and it seemed like a wonderful way to experience the backroads.