Isn't this the cutest plate setting you ever saw? I got them at Target for my daughter Emily's apartment. She loves zebra prints and she had been looking for square place settings. How lucky that we found these! Personally, I am a round bowl & plate kind of gal, but I am nearly thirty years older and we have different taste.
She has been purchasing things since January to go into the apartment she and two other girls have lined up for the coming fall semester at Ball State. They did a great job looking for a good apartment that was safe, reasonable in price and close to the campus.
Helping her find stuff is so much fun. Times have changed. My first apartment was a collection of junk I got from garage sales and a used furniture store. Emily's generation expects newer nicer things. That is my fault somewhat. We have spoiled her a bit. But on a brighter side she wants better quality and she works hard to purchase things that she will appreciate.
She has one month left at home. We are also in the midst of moving so it is chaotic, trying to get her stuff, and our stuff all sorted out. She'll have a room at home too, so it is hard figuring what she should take and leave.
She has grow up so fast! My baby is trying to fly the coop. I must not hold her back but help her spread her wings.
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