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Sunday, May 4, 2008

Pity Party

As graduation is approaching I am reminded of my daughters and that I am between Graduations for my daughters. Emily was the class of 2007. Andrea will be the class of 2009. I know several wonderful kids of the class of 2008, and am sure that we will be attending many Grad Parties.

My advice to the parents, especially the Mom's, is to enjoy this summer with your young adult. Be proud of their accomplishments, and be prepared for their next journey into adulthood.

As fall came round following Emily's graduation, we excitedly sent her off to the dorm life at Ball State University. I wasn't sure how I would handle that. Saying goodbye, and not have her at the house for the next several months. I was surprised at how calm and truly happy I was for her. We prepared her (and myself) well. She is self efficient and very capable. She was so ready to start this new adventure of her life. Also, with the help of today's technology, I happily heard from her almost daily via email, texting or cell phone.

To celebrate, I invited several other Mom's over for "A Pity Party". Margaritas, wine, and snacks. An opportunity to congratulate each other on this important next step our "children" were making. Some chose college, some went straight into jobs. Regardless, they had graduated and were on there way.

We reminisced, we laughed and even cried a few tears. How proud we all are of these young women and men. Our babies had grown up.

So Momma's of the Class of 2008, celebrate! You did your job, and deserve that Margarita!

1 comment:

Sheri Riley said...

Kitty, no one's done it better.