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Sunday, February 10, 2013

Blogger Blues!

I am having so much trouble with
Much to tell but also much difficulty with my blog. Don't give up... I am going to try to get these posted.  ASAP.
I am still reading everyone. So Thank you all for the wonderful stories, post and updates.


JC said...

Do you have chrome ? I use that to get photos on my blog. Google won't let me for some reason.

Rosaria Williams said...

I know that blogging has been a life=saver for me. I hope you find what works for you. Best of luck.

Vanna said...

I will be patiently waiting for you to post something cousin.

I started again too. It is so difficult to keep up with it though, I am constantly busy at work and home.

Love you, hope you are well.

Bee Lady said...

I use Mozilla Firefox. So far so good.

Cindy Bee